2-Pack with Starter Deck

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  • Regular price $15.00
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This Flop Ball two-pack is the perfect place to start on you flipping and flopping. You get  two flop balls in contrasting colors for tracking the sack as it flips. You also get the Flop Ball Starter Deck to guide you though the very basics moves and advancing to harder tricks. You can work on mastering tricks and variations, discovering new tricks, inventing games, or advancing forward wherever your Flop Ball journey takes you. 

Flop Balls are the perfect anytime, anywhere flow toy, mindfulness tool, or group activity. Practice individual skill for leveling up your abilities, transition from one work activity to the next, or connect with friends and colleagues. 

Package Includes

  • Two (2) Flop Balls
  • One (1) Flop Flop Deck